Start & scale a highly profitable web & mobile app agency in 7-days using my Elite Developer Profit System™ that took me from ₹0 → 1 Cr with only 5-6 clients a month


Start & scale a highly profitable web & mobile app agency in 7-days using my Elite Developer Profit System™ that took me from ₹0 → 1 Cr with only 5-6 clients a month

Eliminate bad clients from your life permanently… discard the clients that don’t value your work & time… and completely REPLACE the clients that don’t pay you on time

… with ULTRA High-Ticket clients that respect you, respect your talent and will pay you handsomely to do their work!

Finally… become an Elite Developer.

Eliminate bad clients from your life permanently… discard the clients that don’t value your work & time… and completely REPLACE the clients that don’t pay you on time

… with ULTRA High-Ticket clients that respect you, respect your talent and will pay you handsomely to do their work!

Finally… become an Elite Developer.

Dear Web Developer,

In the next 2 mins you are going to discover a system that will completely TRANSFORM the way you sign clients & make money...

I am going to reveal HOW India’s most Elite Web Developers get High-Paying clients…

How they get big projects…

…and how they have built profitable web development agencies

… and I will show you how you can do the same.

I will show you how to make sure clients:

Respect you…

Respect your time…

Respect your talent & hard-work…


Treat you like the expert (and NOT just some contractor)...

If this is what you want… I’ll show you how to build an Elite Web & App Development Agency in under 7-days.

And go from 0 → 1 Cr in income with just 5-6 clients a month


You’re sick & tired of not getting payments on time…

You’re tired of clients that keep bargaining, asking for a discount and lowering your price…

Your clients keep asking for multiple revisions and you feel like you’re not being valued…

If you feel like your clients have no gratitude for the amazing work you’re doing for them…


If you have to keep following up to close a deal… and your prospects take too long to make a decision - and back out last minute!

AND the worst of all..

IF your clients stop answering your calls, stop replying to messages… and there are pending payment left to be collected…

If you relate to any (or all) of these issues mentioned above

I want you to pay close attention.

There is a NEW way for you to get Ultra High Ticket Clients and build a 1CR business.

I will show you how to make sure clients:

Do not have to rely on Upwork & Fiverr

Do not have to lower your prices

This system is called the
Elite Developer Profit System™

And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of HOW it gets clients chasing you… and paying you what you’re worth!

The Elite Developer Profit System makes clients come to you…

And not just any clients… but HIGH paying clients, with good budgets & and good projects!

This system uses a very specific method of low-cost advertising to get you high-ticket clients…

And it COMPLETELY goes against the old way.

Dear Web Developer,

In the next 2 mins you are going to discover a system that will completely TRANSFORM the way you sign clients & make money...

I am going to reveal HOW India’s most Elite Web Developers get High-Paying clients…

How they get big projects…

…and how they have built profitable web development agencies

… and I will show you how you can do the same.

I will show you how to make sure clients:

Respect you…

Respect your time…

Respect your talent & hard-work…


Treat you like the expert (and NOT just some contractor)...

If this is what you want… I’ll show you how to build an Elite Web & App Development Agency in under 7-days.

And go from 0 → 1 Cr in income with just 5-6 clients a month


You’re sick & tired of not getting payments on time…

You’re tired of clients that keep bargaining, asking for a discount and lowering your price…

Your clients keep asking for multiple revisions and you feel like you’re not being valued…

If you feel like your clients have no gratitude for the amazing work you’re doing for them…


If you have to keep following up to close a deal… and your prospects take too long to make a decision - and back out last minute!

AND the worst of all..

IF your clients stop answering your calls, stop replying to messages… and there are pending payment left to be collected…

If you relate to any (or all) of these issues mentioned above

I want you to pay close attention.

There is a NEW way for you to get Ultra High Ticket Clients and build a 1CR business.

I will show you how to make sure clients:

Do not have to rely on Upwork & Fiverr

Do not have to lower your prices

This system is called the Elite Developer Profit System™

And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of HOW it gets clients chasing you… and paying you what you’re worth!

The Elite Developer Profit System makes clients come to you

And not just any clients… but HIGH paying clients, with good budgets & and good projects!

This system uses a very specific method of low-cost advertising to get you high-ticket clients…

And it COMPLETELY goes against the old way.

Here’s how the OLD WAY works:

You cold email prospects

You create accounts on Upwork & Freelancer & Fiverr

You Linkedin DM prospects

You send 100s of DMs & Emails Daily

You undercut the market by working for $20/hour or less

You have to reduce prices to get jobs

You have to do 100s of interviews to get projects

You have to do 100s of Zoom meetings to close a decent project

You get tired so you cant get more clients

You chase them for payments, payments are delayed

You’re stuck making INR 1L - INR 2L per month max!

This is BAD for you, and bad for your business… you’ll never grow this way

Here’s how the OLD WAY works:

You cold email prospects

You Linkedin DM prospects

You send 100s of DMs & Emails Daily

You create accounts on Upwork & Freelancer & Fiverr

You undercut the market by working for $20/hour or less

You have to reduce prices to get jobs

You have to do 100s of interviews to get projects

You have to do 100s of Zoom meetings to close a decent project

You get tired so you cant get more clients

You chase them for payments, payments are delayed

You’re stuck making INR 1L - INR 2L per month max!

This is BAD for you, and bad for your business… you’ll never grow this way


You create 1 offer priced at INR 2-4 Lacs

You run 1 campaign, 1 Targeting & 1 Ad

You spend INR 1,500 per week on Ads

You get 10-15 quality meetings weekly

You close 2-3 deals at INR 2-4 Lacs

You take home 8L - 15L a month

You outsource all the work to experts

You profit about 60-70% margins

Your Agency grows fast and money starts flooding in

You become an Elite & Rich web agency owner

Takes only 7 Days to build this ENTIRE system

Yes you read that right…

It takes only 7-Days to Build The Elite Developer Profit System™

If you’re interested in this NEW way of building an elite and PROFITABLE web development agency, that brings in lakhs of rupees in cold hard cash every single week…

Let me introduce myself…


You create 1 offer priced at INR 2-4 Lacs

You run 1 campaign, 1 Targeting & 1 Ad

You spend INR 1,500 per week on Ads

You get 10-15 quality meetings weekly

You close 2-3 deals at INR 2-4 Lacs

You take home 8L - 15L a month

You outsource all the work to experts

You profit about 60-70% margins

Your Agency grows fast and money starts flooding in

You become an Elite & Rich web agency owner

Takes only 7 Days to build this ENTIRE system

Yes you read that right…

It takes only 7-Days to Build The Elite Developer Profit System™

If you’re interested in this NEW way of building an elite and PROFITABLE web development agency, that brings in lakhs of rupees in cold hard cash every single week…

Let me introduce myself…

I'm Arhaan Srivastv

I’m the Founder & CEO of ASR Media Pro – An Elite e-commerce development agency.

In the last 4 years my agency has created 3,677 e-commerce websites for clients ALL over the world.

My clients are from the USA, Australia, UK, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Germany and many more countries.

And I started ASR Media from scratch…

Today I have 30 employees working remotely, managing my projects, as we close 45-50 deals per month.

My entire agency ASR Media pro is remote and I have clients from 13 different countries.

“ I was able to achieve all of this because I created and implemented the Elite Developer Profit System™”

I'm Arhaan Srivastv

I’m the Founder & CEO of ASR Media Pro – An Elite e-commerce development agency.

In the last 4 years my agency has created 3,677 e-commerce websites for clients ALL over the world.

My clients are from the USA, Australia, UK, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Germany and many more countries.

And I started ASR Media from scratch…

Today I have 30 employees working remotely, managing my projects, as we close 45-50 deals per month.

My entire agency ASR Media pro is remote and I have clients from 13 different countries.

“ I was able to achieve all of this because I created and implemented the Elite Developer Profit System™”



Introduction to the new way… the new way requires that you position yourself as a high-level consultant rather than a run-of-the-mill contractor who works for pennies on the dollar…

Here you will learn High level Elite Web Agency owner mindsets.

You will learn the secret mindset hacks of elite web agency owners that command INR 5-6L per project.

How to position yourself in the market and be seen as the SUPERIOR options that ONLY attracts the highest level of clients.

How to pre-frame your personality to be in a position to CLOSE deals before you even get on the call…

… After Step 1 you will have a personality & mindset that is geared up for attracting ULTRA high-ticket clients from International Markets…



Introduction to the new way… the new way requires that you position yourself as a high-level consultant rather than a run-of-the-mill contractor who works for pennies on the dollar…

Here you will learn High level Elite Web Agency owner mindsets.

You will learn the secret mindset hacks of elite web agency owners that command

INR 5-6L per project.

How to position yourself in the market and be seen as the SUPERIOR options that ONLY attracts the highest level of clients.

How to pre-frame your personality to be in a position to CLOSE deals before you even get on the call…

… After Step 1 you will have a personality & mindset that is geared up for attracting ULTRA high-ticket clients from International Markets


Successful business building is all about getting hungry clients in big markets → that’s the key to rapid wealth acquisition…

Here I will teach you HOW to spot BIG markets with HIGH spending power (... These clients do not bargain… AND they pay a large advance to get started…)

Most importantly, I will show you HOW to price your offer for between INR 4-6L per client (getting a 50-70% advance on Day 1)... and selling it clients ALL over the world from Hong Kong to USA…

I’ll teach you the EASIEST method that will take you only 5-7 minutes everyday to FLOOD your pipeline with high quality prospects wanting your services…

You will discover the GOLDMINE NICHES that are hidden from average web developers (...this is where the Elite developers pick up high ticket clients and create rapid wealth for themselves…and you will be able to do the same in only 3-5 minutes per day)...

After Step 2… you will have a FLOODED pipeline of decision makers from large companies with BIG budgets that need your help asap!

… and the best part is, very few people know how to do this – which means, you will have NO competition… and you can charge whatever you want.


Successful business building is all about getting hungry clients in big markets → that’s the key to rapid wealth acquisition…

Here I will teach you HOW to spot BIG markets with HIGH spending power (These clients do not bargain… AND they pay a large advance to get started…)

Most importantly, I will show you HOW to price your offer for between INR 4-6L per client (getting a 50-70% advance on Day 1)... and selling it clients ALL over the world from Hong Kong to USA…

I’ll teach you the EASIEST method that will take you only 5-7 minutes everyday to FLOOD your pipeline with high quality prospects wanting your services…

You will discover the GOLDMINE NICHES that are hidden from average web developers (...this is where the Elite developers pick up high ticket clients and create rapid wealth for themselves…and you will be able to do the same in only 3-5 minutes per day)...

After Step 2… you will have a FLOODED pipeline of decision makers from large companies with BIG budgets that need your help asap!

… and the best part is, very few people know how to do this – which means, you will have NO competition… and you can charge whatever you want.


This is the MOST important section – here you will start generating 3-5 sales meetings PER DAY with ULTRA high ticket prospects…

I will teach how to run PROFITABLE Facebook Ads on a Micro budget, that pulls 10-20 sales meetings per week with ULTRA high quality prospects...

I will teach you how to turn micro-budgets into lakhs of rupees per week in revenue... and I'll show you HOW to manage all your campaigns with a single click of a button...

Here you will learn how to turn Facebook Ads into your in-house Lead Generation machine...


This is the MOST important section – here you will start generating 3-5 sales meetings PER DAY with ULTRA high ticket prospects…

I will teach how to run PROFITABLE Facebook Ads on a Micro budget, that pulls 10-20 sales meetings per week with ULTRA high quality prospects...

I will teach you how to turn micro-budgets into lakhs of rupees per week in revenue... and I'll show you HOW to manage all your campaigns with a single click of a button...

Here you will learn how to turn Facebook Ads into your in-house Lead Generation machine...


Sales process, Closing deals, Collecting Payment & fulfillment... this your KEY to closing clients on Zoom...

Here I will teach you how to get a lead converted into a sales meeting... and HOW to get the prospects on Zoom...

I will teach you "word-for-word" sales scripts, sales formulas and psychological tactics that will make your prospects pay you a large advance on day 1.

After learning the secrets in "Sales King" you will NEVER have a closing problem...

Better yet... you will only close ULTRA high quality prospects worldwide...

These "word-for-word" sales scripts have resulted in multi-crores in revenue... and I'll will teach you the entire protocol inside the Sales King module...


Sales process, Closing deals, Collecting Payment & fulfillment... this your KEY to closing clients on Zoom...

Here I will teach you how to get a lead converted into a sales meeting... and HOW to get the prospects on Zoom...

I will teach you "word-for-word" sales scripts, sales formulas and psychological tactics that will make your prospects pay you a large advance on day 1.

After learning the secrets in "Sales King" you will NEVER have a closing problem...

Better yet... you will only close ULTRA high quality prospects worldwide...

These "word-for-word" sales scripts have resulted in multi-crores in revenue... and I'll will teach you the entire protocol inside the Sales King module...


Outsourcing, scaling, hands-free business, freedom & time management...

Here I will teach you how recruit, interview and hire TOP talent on your team (for cheap)...

So you can OUTSOURCE everything to your in-house team... and just focus on closing deals & collecting cash.

Using this same Elite Developer Profit System I’ve been able to generate crores of rupees from clients all over the world…

And everybody that I have taught this system to has succeeded..

And today, this is system is available inside my 7-Day Elite Web Agency Club.

7-Day Elite Web Agency is a private member club of young & passionate developers that want to start & grow their own Website & App Development Agencies to multi-crore levels…

WITHOUT having to chase clients, and without doing everything themselves…

7-Day Elite Web Agency is a “members-only” club where I extensively coach & train India’s up & coming ELITE developers on how to scale an ELITE WEB AGENCY…

When you join the 7-Day Elite Web Agency Club you will get access to my Elite Developer Profit System… as well as many more bonuses!

Everything you need in order to start, launch & scale your Web & App Dev Agency to multi-crore levels is inside the 7-Day Elite Web Agency club…


Outsourcing, scaling, hands-free business, freedom & time management...

Here I will teach you how recruit, interview and hire TOP talent on your team (for cheap)...

So you can OUTSOURCE everything to your in-house team... and just focus on closing deals & collecting cash.

Using this same Elite Developer Profit System I’ve been able to generate crores of rupees from clients all over the world…

And everybody that I have taught this system to has succeeded..

And today, this is system is available inside my 7-Day Elite Web Agency Club.

7-Day Elite Web Agency is a private member club of young & passionate developers that want to start & grow their own Website & App Development Agencies to multi-crore levels…

WITHOUT having to chase clients, and without doing everything themselves…

7-Day Elite Web Agency is a “members-only” club where I extensively coach & train India’s up & coming ELITE developers on how to scale an ELITE WEB AGENCY…

When you join the 7-Day Elite Web Agency Club you will get access to my Elite Developer Profit System… as well as many more bonuses!

Everything you need in order to start, launch & scale your Web & App Dev Agency to multi-crore levels is inside the 7-Day Elite Web Agency club…

Here’s EVERYTHING that you will get inside

Elite Developer Profit System™

My flagship program to start & scale your web agency to multiple crores a year (3 month program)

Internet Profits™
Templates, Resources & Tools to start making internet money fast.

There is no other program which teaches you the "in-depth" Internet Marketing secrets that you will learn inside Internet Profits™

Advanced Advertising™
Pre-Made Ads, Campaigns & Templates to scale your agency from Day 1 using Facebook Ads & Google Ads...

Imagine you don't have to do anything... you just sit back, click a button and ALL your ads are launched...

... and they will bring in minimum 10-20 HOT leads & sales meetings per week... with Ultra high quality prospects that need your help.

Sales King™
The world’s most advanced handbook on how to close clients using “word-for-word” scripts.

With Sales King you will become a High Level closer where making money will become a joke for you...

Outsourcing Blueprints™
Advanced strategies on how to recruit, interview, hire and train TOP talent and build an ELITE team of A-players inside your agency..

This is the key to running a profitable web agency on Autopilot.

Lifetime Membership: Private Access to the Elite Web Agency Club Facebook Group

Private Help: 1-on-1 Calls to get help in scaling ads, lead generation, sales calls & closing deals.

Weekly coaching: Weekly calls to keep you consistently getting clients & collecting cash

Here’s EVERYTHING that you will get inside


My flagship program to start & scale your web agency to multiple crores a year
(3 month program)

Internet Profits™

Templates, Resources & Tools to start making internet money fast.

There is no other program which teaches you the "in-depth" Internet Marketing secrets that you will learn inside Internet Profits™

Advanced Advertising™

Pre-Made Ads, Campaigns & Templates to scale your agency from Day 1 using Facebook Ads & Google Ads...

Imagine you don't have to do anything... you just sit back, click a button and ALL your ads are launched...

... and they will bring in minimum 10-20 HOT leads & sales meetings per week... with Ultra high quality prospects that need your help.

Sales King™

The world’s most advanced handbook on how to close clients using “word-for-word” scripts.

With Sales King you will become a High Level closer where making money will become a joke for you...

Outsourcing Blueprints™

Advanced strategies on how to recruit, interview, hire and train TOP talent and build an ELITE team of A-players inside your agency..

This is the key to running a profitable web agency on Autopilot.

Lifetime Membership: Private Access to the Elite Web Agency Club Facebook Group

Private Help: 1-on-1 Calls to get help in scaling ads, lead generation, sales calls & closing deals.

Weekly coaching: Weekly calls to keep you consistently getting clients & collecting cash


7-Day Elite Web Agency will only have its doors open for a limited time...

Once you leave this page you will not find this offer again.

Currently we have 268+ members inside the club...

The lowest earning member is making INR 500,000 per month... you cannot imagine how much the highest earning member is making!

If you are serious about you financial future...

... if you really want to take control of your destiny and sign those high level clients that pay those big bucks...

Then Apply For Membership today using the link below.

Talk to you soon,

-Arhaan Srivastv

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